
Riverland Concussion Forum

13/08/2017 13:00 to 13/08/2017 14:30
Barmera Football Club

This free forum has been designed to provide everyone involved in all sports (Club and Association Committee Members, Coaches, Parents, Teachers, Athletes, Sports Trainers and First Aiders) with up to date information about concussion.

The Concussion Forum will cover:

-      What is Concussion and how is it caused

-      Can concussion be prevented? Do helmets actually help to prevent concussion?

-      Who has the final say at trainings and game day regarding a player

-      When can a player Return to School, Work, Training and Play

This forum will be presented by Dr Duncan Walker, Medical Director of SASMA. Dr Walker has been involved with many teams including AFL Crows (Men’s and Women’s teams), Young Socceroos, Adelaide 36ers and the Kookaburras as well as covering boxing and martial arts events.

To assist with sufficient resources and provision of afternoon tea we are requesting those wishing to attend to RSVP either by emailing names of attendees to or online at